Ending the week with special Hari Raya assemblies for students in Year 1 to Year 6 was fantastic. To see everyone in traditional Brunei attire or wearing the colour green demonstrates how the wider ISB community can come together in celebration and appreciation of local tradition and culture. A special thank you to our hosts, performers and organisers for putting together a variety of entertaining and informative performances. Special mention also for the staff who paraded their outfits on stage. 👏
As we continue through a very busy final term of this academic year, we still have plenty more to celebrate. Listed below is a full overview of important events coming up, including swimming events, assemblies, music performances, a celebration of learning morning, a sleepover, concerts, sporting events, and a special ceremony for Yr6. All this to fit in before Friday 5th July, the last day of term.
It's been a busy week... 🤩
As well as coming together to celebrate Hari Raya, Year 6 have been writing biographies, Year 5 have been converting fractions into percentages, Year 4 have been representing tenths and hundredths in different ways, Year 3 have been writing in the first person, Year 2 have been creating equal parts, Year 1 have been learning to segment and blend for reading, Reception have been floating in the pool, Kindy have hosted a 'show and tell', and Pre Kindy have been singing and dancing with joy.
This week eight more students have Gone Green in Times Tables Rock Stars.

This year, one of our key priorities has been to ensure our curriculum uses a 'small steps' approach to Science teaching and has clear learning objectives that help students to develop scientific understanding and grasp scientific ideas.
Science with a practical and logical approach.
We have continued to develop our curriculum to ensure a practical approach to science in an engaging and logical way. Our schemes of learning also cover scientific questions around sustainability and the planet and help students develop empathy for the local and wider environment.
Through experiment, practice and discussion, students gain core knowledge around:
Scientific vocabulary.
'Working scientifically' skills including systematic and careful observations and following practical scientific methods.
The gathering and interpretation of straightforward scientific evidence.
The use of everyday materials and scientific equipment to solve science problems.
Articulating scientific concepts and using five types of scientific enquiries.
Students are taught science in a way that helps nurture an understanding of the value of scientific skills.
Developing Scientific Vocabulary.
Scientific vocabulary can often be confusing and abstract, making it difficult for students to fully understand and use. Everyday words can suddenly have new meanings when used in a scientific context. For example, the word ‘force’ is used in everyday language to indicate an action undertaken with great effort or to be made to do something you don’t want to do. In the world of science, a force represents pushes and pulls that can make things move, stop, or change shape. You can’t see a force—which may make it harder to understand—though you can feel or observe its effects.
Supporting students to develop scientific vocabulary can help them to actively participate in science learning and effectively communicate their understanding. Students are able to better engage with new concepts because they are familiar with the words used to describe them.
For more information, and some great experiments you can try at home, please visit our Science page on the Primary Newsfeed.
If you have any questions about any aspect of school life, please do not hesitate to message me in Seesaw.
Mr Michael Everett | Head of Primary

🗓️ Tuesday 30th April: BJSL Swim Gala (invited students will be notified)
🗓️ Friday 3rd May: Year 1 Assembly
🗓️ Friday 10th May: Primary Music Showcase 🎶 (Yr1 to Yr6)
🗓️ Wednesday 15th to Thursday 16th May: Yr4 Seria Sleepover
🗓️ Friday 17th May: Year 2 Assembly
🗓️ Friday 24th May: Celebration of Learning (open morning)
🗓️ Friday 24th May: Reception Concert
🗓️ Friday 7th June: Swim Gala Reception, Year 1 and Year 2
🗓️ Tuesday 11th June: BJSL Tag Rugby & Netball (BJSL Squad)
🗓️ Friday 14th June: Yr6 Ceremony
🗓️ Friday 21st June: Swim Gala Year 3 to Year 6
🗓️ Friday 28th June: Year 5 Young Entrepreneurs Assembly
🗓️ Friday 5th July: Last day of term