This has been a short and somewhat disjointed week, one of those where Tuesday felt like Saturday, Thursday felt like Monday, and somehow, we’ve already arrived at the weekend again. Despite the unusual rhythm, students and staff have been working incredibly hard, making the most of every moment. It’s always fantastic to see how we weave so many different cultural celebrations into our school calendar, enriching our community and ensuring that every week brings something new to learn and appreciate.
Chinese New Year 🧧
新年快乐 (Xīnnián kuàilè) – Happy New Year.
恭喜发财 (Gōngxǐ fācái) – Wishing you prosperity and wealth.
As we continue to celebrate the many events that bring our school community together, one of the most prominent at this time of year is Chinese New Year. This is a special time of celebration, and we are looking forward to marking the occasion with a series of assemblies on Friday 7th February. These assemblies will not only be a chance to celebrate but also an opportunity for students to learn more about the traditions and significance of the festival.
Some of our students will be performing, and full details have been shared with the parents of those involved. Unfortunately, due to space limitations in the theatre, we are unable to invite additional audience members. However, the entire school will come together on Friday to celebrate, with everyone encouraged to wear red or traditional dress.
Keep an eye out for a special visitor roaming the campus, accompanied by the rhythmic beat of drumming, adding even more excitement to our celebrations. 🐉
Parent-Teacher Consultations 👥
Thank you for taking the time to book your appointments for the upcoming Parent-Teacher Consultations. A reminder that the consultations will take place on 11th and 12th February. We look forward to meeting with you and sharing your child’s progress.
Brunei National Day 🇧🇳
We are also looking forward to celebrating Brunei National Day in the coming weeks. Our performers have been working hard in preparation, and we will be marking the occasion with a series of special assemblies on Friday 28th February. Parents of those performing will be invited to attend, and we encourage the entire school community to take part by wearing national dress or national colours on the day. We look forward to celebrating together.
If you have any questions about any aspect of school life, please do not hesitate to message in Seesaw.
Mr Michael Everett | Head of Primary

🗓️ Thursday 6th February - BJSL Tee Ball hosted in Seria (selected BJSL Squad only)
🗓️ Thursday 6th February - Tee Ball Festival @ ISB Yr5 ad Yr6 (all students)
🗓️ Friday 7th February - Chinese New Year Assemblies 🧧
🗓️ Tuesday 11th & Wednesday 12th February - Parent Teacher Consultations
🗓️ Monday 24th February - Mid Term Break
🗓️ Tuesday 25th February - Mid Term Break
🗓️ Friday 28th February - National Day Assemblies 🇧🇳
🗓️ Monday 3rd March - Public Holiday (TBC)
🗓️ Tuesday 18th March - Public Holiday (TBC)
🗓️ Friday 21st March - End of Term 2