National Day Assemblies 🇧🇳
We are extremely fortunate to have a fantastic MFL department who are committed to ensuring all students have the opportunity to be part of important celebrations throughout the school year. This week, we hosted a series of National Day Assemblies in the Theatre and enjoyed traditional dances and performances. Thank you to all those involved, especially the group of parents who helped with costumes and choreography. 👏 👏
Students from across Primary have been writing and drawing postcards to share what they love most about Brunei. There have been some fantastic entries and it is going to be a difficult job selecting the winners. More information early next week....
Year 3 students have visited Taman Arkeologi Kota Batu this week, continuing our exploration into Brunei History and Culture. Our strategic aim is to ensure all students leave ISB Primary with a detailed understanding of the history and culture of either their home or host country. Such visits are an important aspect of this aim.
Go Green! 🎸
It's a race to GO GREEN in TT Rock Stars! This week, we have uploaded some very special certificates into Seesaw for those students who have managed to turn their Heat Map green in TTRS. Look out for yours coming soon....
Parents can also check your child's Heat Map at any time in the TTRS app: Click your profile (bottom right), Click Stats, Click Fluency, then view how the Heat Map has improved over time. Parents, if you would like your own TTRS account, to compete against your child, please just send me a message in Seesaw.
In the February Battle of the Bands competition, Year 4 came out on top. A special congratulations for the following students on being the 5 most valuable players throughout February in TTRS:
Khant (Yr4) 🤩 👏
Zenhong (Yr4) 🤩 👏
Esther (Yr4) 🤩 👏
Jai (Yr6) 🤩 👏
Qader (Yr3) 🤩 👏
Most Valuable Player (MVP) certificates coming soon to Seesaw.

Ms Holmes has also invited Yr2 to begin their Times Tables Rock Stars journey this week. Full details have been shared in Seesaw and I hope the following links are useful:
Digital Citizenship 💻
This week, we have added even more information to our Parent Learning Zone on the Digital Citizenship page of the Primary Newsfeed. Parents can now access detailed information on the following:
Setting Boundaries
Screen Zombie
Tips for keeping safe online
Being kind online
Group Chats
Artificial Intelligence
With even more being added soon, I hope parents find this information useful.
Parent Teacher Consultations 👥
We are looking forward to hosting parents on Tuesday and Wednesday next week for the Parent Teacher Consultations. During the meeting, each parent will have a fifteen minute appointment to discuss important aspects of their child's attainment, progress and achievement. Class teachers will highlight what has been going well and focus on the emotional wellbeing of each child. Information will then also be shared relating to various achievements, next steps in learning, how parents can help at home, the progress that is being made in each curriculum area, and a snapshot of current attainment. Parents will also be shared a page of notes which will also be available within Seesaw. Also, look out for your tea/coffee voucher shared in Seesaw! ☕️
A Collaborative Approach
This week, I would like to share an insight into how we work as a school to ensure the needs of every student are met. Within each year group, teachers plan collaboratively, working together on curriculum development and individualised approaches to student progress. Working in this way ensures each year group has diverse perspectives, bringing together teachers with varied experiences and expertise. This diversity ensures each team considers a wide range of strategies and approaches to address the needs of all learners.
Year groups have a shared ownership, with teachers planning together and sharing responsibility for student success. Working in this way also ensures increased creativity and innovation across the school, with teachers exploring new methods, resources, and technologies.
Planning provision in this way also enhances consistency in instruction, with students benefitting from stability in approaches across all year groups. This in turn helps to lower cognitive load and leads to better attainment and progress.
We are extremely fortunate at ISB to have such dedicated and passionate professionals. This positive school culture leads to improved student outcomes.
It's been a busy week... 🤩
This week Pre Kindy have opened their very own sandwich bar, Kindy have been very musical, Reception have been publishing their writing to Seesaw, Year 1 have been measuring height and length, Year 2 have been designing and fabricating new lunch boxes, Year 3 have been making fossils, Year 4 have been working on electrical circuits, Year 5 have been writing about how to stop 'fast fashion', and Year 6 have been deciding upon the ingredients they will be cooking with.
If you have any questions about any aspect of school life, please do not hesitate to message me in Seesaw.
Mr Michael Everett | Head of Primary

🗓️ Tuesday 5th & Wednesday 6th March - Parent Teacher Consultations.
🗓️ Monday 11th March - Public Holiday TBC.
🗓️ Friday 15th March - Last day of Term 2.