Supporting your child with Maths at home can be tricky. Parents need to know that the work they do with their children will directly support the provision in school. There is a place for Home Learning, but only if it will have a positive impact on outcomes. If you would like to build upon the learning in school, we recommend these three apps. All are simple to use and can be used little and often to build upon prior knowledge.
Addition & Subtraction. Solved.
NumBots is an online game and playing little and often will significantly improve your child’s recall and understanding of number bonds and addition and subtraction facts. These are critical foundations in Maths so we are excited by the impact NumBots will have.
1 Minute Maths
Addition, Subtraction, Multiplication & Division.
The 1-Minute Maths app helps your child to build greater number confidence and fluency. It’s all about targeted practice in engaging, one-minute chunks!
Times Tables Rock Stars
Multiplication & Division.
At ISB, we are on a mission. It is our aspiration that every student knows and is able to recall their multiplication tables to 12 x 12 by the end of Year 4. There is no short cut to learning multiplication and division facts. Without a solid knowledge, students will struggle in all areas of the Maths curriculum at ISB.