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Year 5 Term 2

January to April

Last updated
3 January 2025 at 12:27:51
Year 5 Term 2

Brunei & Beyond 🚀

Maths 🧮

Decimals & Percentages

  • Decimals up to 2 decimal places

  • Decimals as fractions

  • Understand thousandths

  • Thousandths as decimals

  • Rounding decimals

  • Order and compare decimals

  • Multiply by 10, 100 and 1,000

  • Divide by 10, 100 and 1,000

  • Understand percentages

  • Percentages as fractions and decimals

  • Equivalent fractions, decimals & percentages


  • Adding decimals within 1

  • Subtracting decimals within 1

  • Complements to 1

  • Adding - crossing the whole

  • Adding - same decimal places

  • Subtract - same decimal places

  • Adding - different decimal places

  • Subtracting - different decimal places

  • Wholes and decimals

  • Decimal sequences


  • Read and interpret line graphs

  • Draw line graphs

  • Problems with line graphs

  • Read and interpret tables

  • Two-way tables

  • Timetables

Science 🧬

Properties & Materials (Chemistry)

  • Test materials: magnetic, transparency and hardness

  • Test materials: electrical conductivity

  • Plan, investigate & evaluate insulating heat

  • Use of everyday materials: plastic, wood and metal

Animals Including Humans (Biology) ♻️ 

  • The human life cycle

  • Babies and children

  • Adolescence and puberty

  • Adults and the elderly

  • Gestation periods of mammals

  • Gestation periods and lifespan

Life Cycles (Biology) ♻️ 

  • Life cycles of mammals

  • Life cycles of amphibians

  • Life cycles of insects

  • Life cycles of birds

Reading 📖

Stitched Up ♻️ 

Author: Steve Cole

When twelve-year-old Hanh is offered a job as a shop assistant in Hanoi, she sees it as a chance to earn money to send back to her family living in poverty in rural Vietnam. But on her arrival in the city, she soon learns that the job offer was a lie and finds herself working in virtual slavery in an illegal garment factory.

Life in this sweatshop is a daily hell of long hours, little rest, poor food and regular violence. Hanh is desperate to escape, but when an opportunity arises will she be able to find the courage to take a dangerous chance?

Reading age: 10+

A very brief introduction to Shakespeare:


Macbeth is a brave soldier who meets three witches. They tell him he will become king someday. Encouraged by his wife, Lady Macbeth, he decides to make the prophecy come true by harming the current king. Macbeth becomes king, but his guilt and fear make him do more bad things. Eventually, his actions lead to a big battle where he is defeated, and peace is restored to Scotland.

The story shows that doing bad things to get what you want can lead to trouble instead of happiness.

  • Who was William Shakespeare? 

  • The Globe Theatre 

  • Play script

Writing ✍️

Diary Writing

  • Create a developed introduction and conclusion

  • Description of events are detailed and engaging

  • Chronologically organised with clear signals about time, place and personal response

  • Reveals the writer's perspective

  • Sentence length varied for effect

  • Conjunctions (when, if, because, although, while, as, until, once, after, whenever, before, despite, though, since)

  • Relative clauses punctuated correctly

  • Use of adverbials (furthermore, in addition, however, nevertheless, since, consequently, in conclusion)

  • Use of apostrophes for contractions, single and plural possession

  • Fully punctuate speech

  • Use commas to avoid ambiguity and clarify meaning

  • Use commas to mark clauses

  • Use relative clauses

  • Use conjunctions, adverbs, adverbials and prepositions for time, cause and place

  • Use a range of modal verbs or adverbs to indicate possibility

  • Use similes as sentence starters

  • Use varied sentence lengths

Persuasive Writing

  • Separate paragraphs for each argument/point

  • Use short sentence for emphasis

  • Select emotive language to engage the reader

  • Use of hyperbole (used to exaggerate)

  • Create a conclusion (to get people on side/agree)

  • Use bold and capital letters to add emphasis

  • Use a wide range of conjunctions

  • Use of relative clauses (correctly punctuated) (e.g. our hotel, which has three swimming pools, overlooks a stunning beach)

  • Adverbials (firstly, furthermore, in addition, however, nevertheless etc.)

  • Use commas after an adverb starter

  • Use commas to avoid ambiguity and clarify meaning

  • Use commas to mark clauses

  • Use ellipsis

  • Use commas to mark parenthesis

  • Use brackets and dashes for parenthesis

  • Use rhetorical questions

  • Hyperbole (used to exaggerate, intensify and emphasise different points)

  • Use bold and capital letters for emphasis

  • Create catchy names and slogans

Across the curriculum 🌏

Overview: Evidence of Brunei in Chinese Culture

  • Timeline

  • Silk road and maritime silk road

  • Trade

  • Islamic influence in China

  • Language (Jawi, Arabic, Chinese)

  • Wealth and power

  • The gravestone of a Sultan

Curriculum Objectives & Expectations

  • I can begin to select and use suitable sources of evidence to form a hypothesis about the past

  • I can begin to compare times studied with other areas around the world

  • I can begin to describe the main changes in a period of history, using terms: social, religious, political, technological, cultural

  • I can begin to use dates and time periods accurately

  • I can begin to discuss and interpret the social, ethnic, cultural, and religious diversity of past societies

  • I can begin to select and use suitable sources of evidence to form a hypothesis about the past

  • Analyse and interpret primary and secondary sources

  • Make judgements on a source's validity based on historical factors

  • Evaluate and explain changes in culture/politics/religion

  • Use statistics to make inferences

  • Discuss impact of different factors on cultural change

Key Vocabulary

  • Trade, culture, religion, language, migration, development, wealth, ruler, Sultan, emperor, region, maritime, technological, social, primary, secondary.

Art, Design & Technology 🎨 👷

T Shirt Production ♻️ 

  • Begin to research and develop design criteria to inform the design of innovative, functional, appealing products that are fit for purpose.

PSHE 😀 🫶

Personal, Social, Health and Economic education

Belonging to a community: Protecting the environment; compassion towards others

  • Plastic pollution - how resources are allocated and the effect this has on individuals, communities and the environment ♻️ 

  • Express their own opinions about their responsibility towards the environment: The way that money is spent and how it affect the environment, How to show compassion for the environment, animals and other living things, the importance of protecting the environment and how every day actions can either support or damage it ♻️ 

Media Literacy and Digital resilience: How information online is targeted; different media types, their role and impact

  • To identify different types of media and their different purposes e.g. to entertain, inform, persuade or advertise. Understanding that media is targeted

  • Basic strategies to assess whether content online (e.g. research, news, reviews, blogs) is based on fact, opinion, or is biased

  • How to assess which search results are more reliable than others. Spotting fake news.

  • How devices store and share information

  • To recognise unsafe or suspicious content online

Money and Work: Identifying job interests and aspirations; what influences career choices; workplace stereotypes

  • To identify jobs that they might like to do in the future, about the role ambition can play in achieving a future career, how or why someone might choose a certain career

  • About what might influence people's decisions about a job or career, including pay, working conditions, personal interests, strengths and qualities, family, values; the importance of diversity and inclusion to promote people's career opportunities; about stereotyping in the workplace, its impact and how to challenge it

Languages 💬

All students have access to one of the following languages:

  • Malay (local) 🇧🇳

  • Malay (for non-native learners) 🇧🇳

  • Mandarin 🇨🇳

  • French 🇫🇷

  • English as and additional language (EAL) 🌏

Language Concepts refers to the application of language concepts.

  • Expressing the language in oral and/or written communication

  • Creating projects to showcase language learning

  • Showing sound grammar understanding through written work

  • Applying a range of language skills to perform role play

  • Interpreting authentic materials

Language Acquisition refers to assimilating and retention of language learning.

  • Understanding the grammatical structure

  • Knowing and using correct syntax

  • Being able to self-assess and peer check

  • Building vocabulary in the target language

  • Recognising and/or decoding a wide array of materials

PE & Sport 🏐 🏊 🥅 ⚾️ 👟

All students have a comprehensive PE and Sport programme. Lessons are scheduled on rotation to ensure all students progress in the following areas:

  • Physical literacy

  • Tee Ball

  • Swimming

  • Indoor Games

  • Outdoor Games

  • Athletics

  • Striking and Fielding

  • Football

  • Tag Rugby

  • Basketball

  • Netball

  • Invasion Games

  • Health and Wellbeing

  • Net Games

  • Fundamental movement skills

✋ Hands refers to physical ability and performance.

  • Having appropriate fitness levels to complete the lesson

  • Showing sound technique when learning skills/actions

  • Applying a range of skills

  • Performing under pressure i.e. applying skills to the game

👤 Head refers to knowledge and understanding of the topic.

  • Understanding the rules and regulations

  • Being able to feedback to peers

  • Solving problems

  • Understanding relevant tactics

♥️ Heart refers to the effort put into each and every PE lesson.

  • Taking and active part in the whole lesson

  • Always bringing PE/swimming kit

  • Showing sportsmanship and respect

  • Showing resilience and confidence

Music 🎶

Musical Theatre 

Asian Music

  • Performing

  • Composing

  • Listening

♻️ Eco, Environment & Sustainability Curriculum

Our eco, environment and sustainability curriculum weaves seamlessly through all other areas of learning, enriching every subject.


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👉 Year 5 Term 1

👉 Year 5 Term 3

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