Year 5 Term 1
August to December
Last updated
3 January 2025 at 12:28:20
What's out there? 🔭 🚀
Maths 🧮
Place Value
Numbers to 10,000
Numbers to 100,000
Numbers to one million
Compare and order to 100,000
Compare and order to 1,000,000
Round to 10, 100 and 1,000
Round within 100,000
Round within one million
Counting in powers of 10
Negative numbers
Four operations
Add more than 4-digits
Subtract more than 4-digits
Inverse operations
Multi-step problems
Multiply by 10, 100 and 1,000
Divide by 10, 100 and 1,000
Multiple of 10, 100 and 1,000
Multiply 4-digits by 1-digit
Multiply 2-digits (area model)
Multiply 2-digits by 2-digits
Multiply 3-digits by 2-digits
Multiply 4-digits by 2-digits
Common factors
Divide 4-digits by 1-digit
Divide with remainders
Prime numbers
Square numbers
Cube numbers
Estimate and approximate
Equivalent fractions
Improper to mixed numbers
Mixed numbers to improper
Number sequences
Compare and order (less than 1)
Compare and order (more than 1)
Add and subtract fractions
Add fractions within 1
Add 3 or more fractions
Add fractions
Add mixed numbers
Subtract fractions
Subtract mixed numbers
Subtract 2 mixed numbers
Multiply by an integer
Fractions of an amount
Fractions as operators
Towards the end of Term 1, all students are invited to take part in Barvember Maths challenges. Find out more here.
Science 🧬
Forces (Physics)
Air resistance
Plan - parachute experiment
Investigate - parachute experiment
Evaluate - parachute experiment
Plan - water resistance
Investigate - water resistance
Explore gravity
Use small forces for greater effects
Space (Physics)
The Solar System
The planets
Motion of the Earth and planets
The Solar System - ideas over time
Planet Earth
Night and day
The Moon
Global Warming (Sustainability)
What is global warming?
What are the impacts of global warming on living things?
Reading 📖
📗 Orion Lost
Author: Alastair Chisholm
This compelling science fiction adventure is set aboard the Orion, a large spacecraft which is transporting people from Earth to a new planet, twenty six light years away. Life on the ship quickly becomes routine for thirteen year old Beth, who attends school, meets new friends and makes an enemy out of Vihaan, the Captain’s arrogant son.
After months of uneventful space travel, the craft is unexpectedly attacked and all adults are incapacitated. Beth is informed by Ship, the Orion’s central interface hologram, that she is now Captain. Although it is a role she has dreamed of since the age of five, the reality of commanding a ship is overwhelming. She appoints Vihaan as second in command, but his obvious scorn for her authority fills her with self-doubt.
If they are to survive, they must put aside their differences and work together to fix the damaged ship and navigate to safety. However, they are surrounded by dangers, from meteor storms and ruthless space pirates to the terrifying, mysterious alien lifeform known as the Videshi.
Full of twists and turns, this thrilling futuristic journey into the unknown will have readers on the edge of their seats.
Reading age: 9+
Writing ✍️
Sci-Fi Narrative
Identify what makes a good story
Basic features of a sci-fi narrative
Developed narrative with focus and cohesion
Links between paragraphs and adverbials
Past perfect tense to link events
Writing statements in a story
Extended simple sentences
Compound sentences
Relative clauses with commas and dashes used for additional detail including omitted relative pronouns
Extended compound sentences
Story planning
Editing planning
Create individualised story
Writing story from plan
Adding dialogue to a story
Action, dialogue, and description used to move events forward
Writing dialogue
Upgrading language
Adverbs and modal verbs for possibility
Include advanced language within writing
Performance of writing
Looking at feature of writing
Editing and publishing
Apostrophes for contractions, single and plural possession.
Fully punctuate speech
Commas to avoid ambiguity and clarify meaning
Commas to mark clauses
Use ellipsis
Commas to mark parenthesis
Use brackets and dashes for parenthesis
Descriptions of characters, setting, and atmosphere are developed through precise vocabulary choices e.g adverbs, adjectives, precise nouns, expressive verbs and figurative language.
Space poetry
Use similes as sentence starters
Use onomatopoeia
Use personification
Non-fiction writing: planets
Features of an information text
Planning and writing an information text
Creating a success criteria
Comparatives and superlatives
Relative clauses
Non-Chronological Report with paragraphs
Organised into sections with appropriate headings and text type features
Range of conjunctions and appropriate word choices
Appropriate use of pronouns and nouns
Relative clauses with commas and brackets to add information
Structured paragraphs linked with adverbials
Use bullet points to list information
Commas after an adverb starter
Commas to avoid ambiguity and clarify meaning
Commas to mark clauses
Use ellipsis
Commas to mark parenthesis
Use brackets and dashes for parenthesis
Across the curriculum 🌏 🎨 ⌨️
Compare physical and human geographical features between 2 places
Home countries, national flags and map locations
Physical and human features
Identify physical and human features in our home nation
Identify physical and human features in other countries
Draw in a scale and location information
Art & Design Technology
Use silhouettes to contrast against a watercolour background
Watercolour techniques and application of techniques
Blending, layering, paint lifting, and paper preparation
Flicking technique
Silhouettes and negative space
Programming: create a 2 player game using Scratch
Accurate coding
Create a podcast
Languages 💬
All students have access to one of the following languages:
Malay (local) 🇧🇳
Malay (for non-native learners) 🇧🇳
Mandarin 🇨🇳
French 🇫🇷
English as and additional language (EAL) 🌏
Language Concepts refers to the application of language concepts.
Expressing the language in oral and/or written communication
Creating projects to showcase language learning
Showing sound grammar understanding through written work
Applying a range of language skills to perform role play
Interpreting authentic materials
Language Acquisition refers to assimilating and retention of language learning.
Understanding the grammatical structure
Knowing and using correct syntax
Being able to self-assess and peer check
Building vocabulary in the target language
Recognising and/or decoding a wide array of materials
PE & Sport 🏐 🏊 🥅 ⚾️ 👟
All students have a comprehensive PE and Sport programme. Lessons are scheduled on rotation to ensure all students progress in the following areas:
Physical literacy
Tee Ball
Indoor Games
Outdoor Games
Striking and Fielding
Tag Rugby
Invasion Games
Health and Wellbeing
Net Games
Fundamental movement skills
✋ Hands refers to physical ability and performance.
Having appropriate fitness levels to complete the lesson
Showing sound technique when learning skills/actions
Applying a range of skills
Performing under pressure i.e. applying skills to the game
👤 Head refers to knowledge and understanding of the topic.
Understanding the rules and regulations
Being able to feedback to peers
Solving problems
Understanding relevant tactics
♥️ Heart refers to the effort put into each and every PE lesson.
Taking and active part in the whole lesson
Always bringing PE/swimming kit
Showing sportsmanship and respect
Showing resilience and confidence
Music 🎶