Year 4 Term 2
January to April
Last updated
3 January 2025 at 12:27:48

Inventors & Inventions 🦾
Maths 🧮
Multiplication & Division
Factor pairs
Use factor pairs
Multiply by 10
Multiply by 100
Divide by 10
Divide by 100
Related facts – multiplication and division
Informal written methods for multiplication
Multiply a 2-digit number by a 1-digit number
Multiply a 3-digit number by a 1-digit number
Divide a 2-digit number by a 1-digit number
Divide a 3-digit number by a 1-digit number
Correspondence problems
Efficient multiplication
Length & Perimeter
Measure in kilometres and metres
Equivalent lengths (kilometres and metres)
Perimeter on a grid
Perimeter of a rectangle
Perimeter of rectilinear shapes
Find missing lengths in rectilinear shapes
Calculate the perimeter of rectilinear shapes
Perimeter of regular polygons
Perimeter of polygons
Understand the whole
Count beyond 1
Partition a mixed number
Number lines with mixed numbers
Compare and order mixed numbers
Understand improper fractions
Convert mixed numbers to improper fractions
Convert improper fractions to mixed numbers
Equivalent fractions on a number line
Equivalent fraction families
Add two or more fractions
Add fractions and mixed numbers
Subtract two fractions
Subtract from whole amounts
Subtract from mixed numbers
Position & Direction
Describe position using coordinates
Plot coordinates
Draw 2-D shapes on a grid
Translate on a grid
Describe translation on a grid
Science 🧬
Sound (Physics)
The ear
Investigate sounds
Explore volume
Explore pitch
Plan, investigate & evaluate volume experiment
Electricity (Physics)
Common appliances that use electricity
Build and draw series circuits
What has gone wrong?
Conductors and insulators
Conductivity within a circuit
What is energy?
How can we reduce our energy usage?
Reading 📖
Operation Gadgetman!
Author: Malorie Blackman
Beans's Dad is a bit of an eccentric. When he's not embarrassing her in front of her friends with his strange behaviour, he's in his workshop inventing ridiculous things like exploding shortbread (and irritating the neighbours while he's about it). But one day, Beans comes home from school to find that he has been kidnapped! She and her friends set out to find him using only their wits and the extraordinary 'Gadgetman Spy Kits' he has given them, and in the process uncover a sinister criminal conspiracy…
Beans is a likeable lead, and despite the unlikely series of events that the story relates, her relationships with her friends and family are warmly and believably portrayed. A lively (if not madcap) adventure that will find fans amongst younger readers.
Reading age: 8+
Until I met Dudley
Author: Roger McGough
Have you ever wondered how a toaster works? Or a fridge-freezer, or a washing-up machine? In this fun-filled book of how things work, Dudley, the techno-wizard dog, provides the answers. Roger McGough’s delightfully ingenious text and Chris Riddell’s striking illustrations take children from the furthest realms of fantasy into the fascinating world of technology to discover the workings of familiar machines, making it an exciting book which will delight again and again.
At first, it describes how a child thinks things work… (gnomes in the toaster) and then Dudley tells you how the various household appliances really work. Includes all the appliances a curious child would be interested in: the dishwasher, the fridge-freezer and more.
Reading age: 4-7
A very brief introduction to Shakespeare:
The Tempest
The Tempest is about a powerful magician named Prospero, who was once the Duke of Milan but was betrayed by his brother Antonio and sent away on a boat with his young daughter, Miranda. They ended up on a magical island where Prospero learned to control spirits, including his helper, Ariel.
One day, Prospero creates a great storm—a “tempest”—to bring a ship carrying his brother Antonio and other nobles to the island. With Ariel’s help, Prospero uses magic to teach them lessons about kindness and forgiveness. By the end, Prospero forgives everyone, gives up his magic, and prepares to go home with Miranda, who falls in love with one of the noblemen, Prince Ferdinand.
The story teaches about forgiveness, family, and letting go of anger.
Who was William Shakespeare?
The Globe Theatre
Play script
Writing ✍️
Explanation Text
Explanation text organised with paragraphs
Introduction and use of paragraphs to group related material
Consistent use of present tense
Express time, place, and cause using conjunctions, adverbs, and prepositions
Cohesion through nouns and pronouns
Headings and subheadings used to aid presentation
Create and label a cracking contraption
Write an explanation text
Prepare a presentation
Use of commas and bullet points in a list
Use of coordinating and subordinating conjunctions
Use of exclamation marks for commands and exclamations
Use of apostrophes for contractions
Use of colon to introduce a list
Use of comparatives and and superlatives
Use of fronted adverbial phrases to say how, where or when
Use expanded noun phrases
Poetry: Limericks
5-line poem following rhyme pattern AABBA
Line structure:
Line 1: 7 - 10 syllables
Line 2: 7 - 10 syllables
Line 3: 5 - 7 syllables
Line 4: 5 - 7 syllables
Line 5: 7 - 10 syllables
Begins with "There was a/an..." and ends with a person’s name or place
The last line should be unusual or far-fetched
Each line starts with a capital letter and often ends with a comma
The mood is comic and often nonsensical
Use nouns and pronouns to avoid repetition
Poetry: Narrative Poems
Stories told in poetry form
Use of alliteration
Use similes with "like" and "as"
Generate synonyms and antonyms
Use a dictionary and thesaurus
Adjectives used to describe nouns
Use –ly adverbs for description and information, creating a descriptive list
Non-Chronological Reports
Planned into sections
Non-chronological report using paragraphs
Headings and subheadings
Conjunctions to join information and give reasons
Use present perfect tense
Word choice matches information texts
Explore levels of formality, showing this through word and sentence choices
Correct use of nouns and pronouns
Use a wide range of coordinating and subordinating conjunctions
Use present tense
Correct form of "a" or "an"
Form comparatives and superlatives
Use fronted adverbial phrases to show how, where, or when
Across the curriculum 🌏
Overview: Inventors and Inventions (History). South East Asia (Geography).
Key inventions: what, when and why
Timeline of inventions and inventors
Reception (primary sources)
Development (primary and secondary sources)
Contrast (earlier inventions vs modern day)
Case study: invention of the telephone
Map work
Continents, countries and capital cities
Curriculum Objectives & Expectations ♻️
Use maps to locate the continent of Asia with regard to the countries of South East Asia
Explain own views about locations giving reasons
Begin to use maps, atlases and globes to locate countries
Name and locate the countries of SE Asia and identify their main physical and human characteristics
Know the names of countries and their capital cities
Describe some of the characteristics of these geographical areas
Describe similarities and differences between countries
Population, settlements and migration
Collecting data: population statistics
Interpreting bar charts and graphs
Look at two versions of the same event or story in history and identify differences
Investigate different accounts of historical events and be able to explain some of the reasons why the accounts may be different
Begin to understand some of the ways in which historians and others investigate the past
Construct informed responses about one aspect of life or a key event in the past through careful selection and organisation of relevant historical information
Begin to undertake their own research
Sequence several events, artefacts or historical figures on a timeline using dates, including those that are sometimes further apart, and terms related to the unit being studied and passing of time
Explain how people and events in the past have influenced life today
Describe connections and contrasts between aspects of history, people, events and artefacts studied
Explain why certain inventions were required, using primary sources
Describe similarities and differences between inventions of the past to find commonalities
Interpret information to form historically accurate observations
Analyse data to form historically accruate observations
Key Vocabulary ♻️
Country, continent, capital city, population, pollution, national, international, landlocked, inhabitants, boundary.
Art, Design & Technology 🎨 👷
Students will design and create a wind-powered car by following the steps of the design process, from gathering ideas and planning to constructing and testing their models. They will evaluate their cars, make improvements, and reflect on their designs to enhance both its performance and appearance.
Collect ideas from different sources to inspire a wind-powered car design
Understand and follow the design process to create a functional product
Use a design brief to meet specific requirements for a wind-powered car
Plan the materials, tools, and steps needed to build a product
Measure and use tools accurately to create the parts
Construct a product by assembling the parts according to the plan
Evaluate and improve a wind-powered car based on testing and reflection
Key Vocabulary
Design Brief, Prototype, Adaptation, Innovation, Functionality, Evaluation, Iteration, Materials, Techniques, Construction
PSHE 😀 🫶
Personal, Social, Health and Economic education
Belonging to a community
The meaning and benefits of living in a community. To recognise they belong to different communities as well as school
What are the different groups that make up and contribute to a community
Find out about individuals and groups that help the local community including volunteering and work
How to show compassion towards others in need and the shared responsibilities of caring for them
Media Literacy and Digital Resilience
That everything online has a digital footprint
That organisations can use personal information to encourage people to buy things
To identify online adverts and why people might choose to buy or not buy online
Money and Work
How people make different spending decisions based on their budget, values and needs
How to keep track of money and why it is important to know how much is being spent
How people spend money can have a positive or negative effect on others for example charities , single use plastics
Languages 💬
All students have access to one of the following languages:
Malay (local) 🇧🇳
Malay (for non-native learners) 🇧🇳
Mandarin 🇨🇳
French 🇫🇷
English as and additional language (EAL) 🌏
Language Concepts refers to the application of language concepts.
Expressing the language in oral and/or written communication
Creating projects to showcase language learning
Showing sound grammar understanding through written work
Applying a range of language skills to perform role play
Interpreting authentic materials
Language Acquisition refers to assimilating and retention of language learning.
Understanding the grammatical structure
Knowing and using correct syntax
Being able to self-assess and peer check
Building vocabulary in the target language
Recognising and/or decoding a wide array of materials
PE & Sport 🏐 🏊 🥅 ⚾️ 👟
All students have a comprehensive PE and Sport programme. Lessons are scheduled on rotation to ensure all students progress in the following areas:
Physical literacy
Tee Ball
Indoor Games
Outdoor Games
Striking and Fielding
Tag Rugby
Invasion Games
Health and Wellbeing
Net Games
Fundamental movement skills
✋ Hands refers to physical ability and performance.
Having appropriate fitness levels to complete the lesson
Showing sound technique when learning skills/actions
Applying a range of skills
Performing under pressure i.e. applying skills to the game
👤 Head refers to knowledge and understanding of the topic.
Understanding the rules and regulations
Being able to feedback to peers
Solving problems
Understanding relevant tactics
♥️ Heart refers to the effort put into each and every PE lesson.
Taking and active part in the whole lesson
Always bringing PE/swimming kit
Showing sportsmanship and respect
Showing resilience and confidence
Music 🎶
Musical Theatre
Pentatonic Melodies & Composition (Theme: Chinese New Year)
♻️ Eco, Environment & Sustainability Curriculum
Our eco, environment and sustainability curriculum weaves seamlessly through all other areas of learning, enriching every subject.