Year 1 Term 2
January to April
Last updated
3 January 2025 at 12:27:41

Toys 🧸
Maths 🧮
Place Value
Count within 20
Understand 10
Understand 11, 12 and 13
Understand 14, 15 and 16
Understand 17, 18 and 19
Understand 20
1 more and 1 less
The number line to 20
Use a number line to 20
Estimate on a number line to 20
Compare numbers to 20
Order numbers to 20
Addition & Subtraction
Add by counting on within 20
Add ones using number bonds
Find and make number bonds to 20
Near doubles
Subtract ones using number bonds
Subtraction - counting back
Subtraction - finding the difference
Related facts
Missing number problems
Place Value
Count from 20 to 50
20, 30, 40 and 50
Count by making groups of tens
Groups of tens and ones
Partition into tens and ones
The number line to 50
Estimate on a number line to 50
1 more, 1 less
Length & Height
Compare lengths and heights
Measure length using objects
Measure length in centimetres
Mass & Volume
Heavier and lighter
Measure mass
Compare mass
Full and empty
Compare volume
Measure capacity
Compare capacity
Science 🧬
Animals (Biology) ♻️
Compare and group animals
Materials (Physics)
Float and sink
Melt and freeze
Does it absorb water
Investigate materials
Reading 📖
In Year 1, all students have access to a comprehensive and systematic Phonics programme tailored to their individual needs: 👉 read more.
Instructional texts
Writing ✍️
Instructional Writing
Writing simple instructions
Use imperative verbs with actions to support understanding
Use capital letters and full stops consistently
Use of simple commands
Use of coordinating conjunctions (with, and because)
Use of adjectives to describe nouns
Conjunction: and
Finger spaces between words
Capital letters and full stops to mark sentences
Capital letters for names
Exclamation marks for exclamation
Poetry: Riddles
A focus on rhyme
Write simple riddles and rhyming word strings
Non Chronological Reports
Basic sentences (who, when, where, what)
Finger spaces between words
Capital letters and full stops to mark sentences
Capital letters for names
Work shows evidence of attempts to describe events, characters and settings
Coordinating conjunctions - and, because
Adjectives to describe a noun
Across the curriculum 🌏
Overview: Toys Now & Then. (History), Oceans and Continents (Geography) ♻️
Name and locate the world's continents and oceans
Understand there are hot and cold areas in relation to the equator
Explore different toys
Place on to a timeline
Observational drawings
Compare and contrast
Make your own ancient toys
Explore the present
Curriculum Objectives & Expectations ♻️
Use world maps, atlases and globes to find countries, continents and oceans
Name and locate the world's continents and oceans
Use basic geographical vocabulary to refer to key physical features
Weather patterns
Basic observational skills
Draw simple features
Survey of the local area
Create plans
Add labels onto a sketch map or photograph
Use aerial photographs
Observe changes
Describe similarities and differences
Explain possible caused of differences
Observe artefacts in details and begin to create accurate sketches
Begin to think about possible origins of artefacts
Discuss causes of invention
Using artefacts, begin to debate chronology
Observe and handle evidence to ask simple questions about the past
Observe and handle evidence to find answers to simple questions about the past on the basis of simple observations
Sort objects/artefacts into new and old and now and then
Use words and phrases (such as old, new, earliest, latest, past, present, future, century, newest, oldest, modern before and after) to show the passing of time
Talk, write and draw about things from the past
Key Vocabulary
Continent, ocean, sea, climate, pattern, coast, beach, technology, change, development, improvement, cause, invention and chronology.
Art, Design & Technology 🎨 👷
Experiment with a variety of malleable media (rolling, pinching and kneeling) using clay and plasticine
Use a range of materials to design and make products
Make a fish diorama ♻️
Explore printing simple pictures with a range of materials and investigate textures
Aboriginal Art on a rock and on a bark
Andy Warhol-inspired art
Experience weaving
Understand development of existing products, what used for and how they work
Make a telephone
Colour and print textiles, cloth dying
Computing: Creating an e-book
PSHE 😀 🫶
Personal, Social, Health and Economic education
Belonging to a community
Examples of rules in different situations
Different people have different needs
How we care for people, animals and other living things in different ways ♻️
How we can look after the environment ♻️
Media Literacy and Digital Resilience
How and why people use the internet
The benefit of using the internet and digital devices
How people find things out and communicate safely with others online
Money and Work
Everyone has different strengths in and out of school and different strengths are needed to do different jobs
People whose job it is to help us in the community
Different jobs and the work people do
Languages 💬
All students have access to one of the following languages:
Malay (local) 🇧🇳
Malay (for non-native learners) 🇧🇳
Mandarin 🇨🇳
French 🇫🇷
English as and additional language (EAL) 🌏
Language Concepts refers to the application of language concepts.
Expressing the language in oral and/or written communication
Creating projects to showcase language learning
Showing sound grammar understanding through written work
Applying a range of language skills to perform role play
Interpreting authentic materials
Language Acquisition refers to assimilating and retention of language learning.
Understanding the grammatical structure
Knowing and using correct syntax
Being able to self-assess and peer check
Building vocabulary in the target language
Recognising and/or decoding a wide array of materials
PE & Sport 🏐 🏊 🥅 ⚾️ 👟
All students have a comprehensive PE and Sport programme. Lessons are scheduled on rotation to ensure all students progress in the following areas:
Physical literacy
Tee Ball
Indoor Games
Outdoor Games
Striking and Fielding
Tag Rugby
Invasion Games
Health and Wellbeing
Net Games
Fundamental movement skills
✋ Hands refers to physical ability and performance.
Having appropriate fitness levels to complete the lesson
Showing sound technique when learning skills/actions
Applying a range of skills
Performing under pressure i.e. applying skills to the game
👤 Head refers to knowledge and understanding of the topic.
Understanding the rules and regulations
Being able to feedback to peers
Solving problems
Understanding relevant tactics
♥️ Heart refers to the effort put into each and every PE lesson.
Taking and active part in the whole lesson
Always bringing PE/swimming kit
Showing sportsmanship and respect
Showing resilience and confidence
Music 🎶
Pitch & Tempo (Theme: Superheroes)
Sound Patters (Theme: Fairytales)
♻️ Eco, Environment & Sustainability Curriculum
Our eco, environment and sustainability curriculum weaves seamlessly through all other areas of learning, enriching every subject.